For ambitious people ready to bring their ideas to life


I get it: The first step is always the hardest.

Going from 0 to 1 is way more work than going from 5 to 6. But the way we begin something matters a great deal: it starts cutting a groove and setting a trend for how the entire enterprise will unfold. And if you’ve ever had to change course or make repairs mid-journey, you know that the old adage “measure twice, cut once” is not just for woodworkers.

I can’t stand to see you sit on your potential. Let’s get out of indecision and into motion.


  1. Visioning. Let’s talk about all your wildest dreams. We probe your motivations, brainstorm roadblocks, and start to crystallize the dream into what it actually looks like in reality. Expect homework.

  2. Breakthrough catalyst. Following the clarity of our first session and the reflections from your homework, we courageously confront the barriers that are stopping you. Old habits, limiting beliefs, childhood conditioning — it’s all on the table.

  3. Action planning. What are the tangible steps? These first steps are crucial: they set the tone for the entire project. After we strategize on actions and potential roadblocks, your homework will be to execute the first few steps on your own.

  4. Capstone. Finalizing the plan, addressing the action and energy of the initial movement, and broadening the perspective to the future: How will I take these activation tools and keep them as a compass as the project unfolds?



Vision comes from the leader. The entire system depends on whether its leader is clear on the purpose and the path ahead. For that reason, the Activation Sequence process remains the same whether you’re working solo or in a team. However, one of the common challenges in activating a team is in the actual communication of the vision to the rest of the team. That’s when the coach, who has been part of all the brainstorming and iteration, can help.

The teams process adds two additional steps to assist in conveying the vision to the team, and ensuring energetic commitment and alignment within the group.

  1. Visioning.

  2. Breakthrough catalyst.

  3. Action planning.

  4. Group session: Team inspiration session. (Team homework includes submitting feedback to the coach.)

  5. Group session: Team activation session.

  6. Capstone.



I’m your guide along this process. I help you craft your vision and plan, and get committed to what you love. We learn what success means to you, what your motivations are, and how to maintain balance as you enter this new phase of transformation.

A coach doesn’t get in the trenches with you. I don’t write your launch, marketing, PR, or any other operational strategy. I don’t craft your branding, marketing content, or sales copy. If I do your homework for you, I’m interfering with your capacity for growth. Instead I get to be your #1 cheerleader and strategist, because I’ve walked this path too.



Our goal is to produce written documents outlining the clear details of the vision and the 10,000-foot plan. These will serve as a North Star as the project unfolds and evolves.

During our work together, we’ll determine what the most fruitful way is to continue our work together, ranging from regularly-scheduled sessions (great for accountability and momentum) to Q&A support on a messaging app. Each journey is unique, and that’s what makes it so exciting.

No matter how we end up working together, everything starts with your first single session. Here’s that zero-to-one step I was talking about: